Monday, February 28, 2011

Snapshot - A sidestory (completed)

[ This story has names of girls as gems and boys as metals. This is only a side-story as to what took place at a certain evening a few days before Christmas.]

*pant* *pant* *pant*

I finally made it eh?
we were supposed to meet here at 5 pm today. i'll just grab my phone and...

*tap* *tap* *tap*

i'm just going to tell him to hurry up 

I bet Silver is just taking his time, and probably, the traffic just got worse...right?

as i walked to the meeting place, after around five minutes, i received another message.
the message reads "hey Copper, go on ahead to the meeting place, Sapp is already there, i think"

--- yeah, my name's Copper, and me and my friends are supposed to go to our friend's party. But really, I'm not that motivated to go either. Although Silver's going to give Sapp and me a ride, it's not like them to be late anyways...not that im not expecting them to be early or anything. 

I took a ride to get to our meeting place. it was already past 5, and i'm the only one here. It didn't seem like they'd be here for another hour, so I decided to go inside a particular fast-food chain to wait. and after a bit of waiting, i got bored and dozed off at the table in the corner in the fast food chain.



oh man, this is taking too long, it's already 6:30!

and as soon as i have noticed the time, a car parked near the fast food chain. A tall man with a white shirt and a peculiar hat got out of the car.  As i looked at the hat from afar, i already knew who it was. I stood up and went to him.

 Yo! sorry for being late! - the man spoke

I replied "yeah, i wasnt expecting you to be early either, Silver."

---His name is Silver. Just from the peculiar hat he wears, we already know it's him. He really wasn't given an invitation, but was verbally invited. I think he's going to enjoy the evening though, since Diamond (also called Dia) is going to go to the party as well. 

so, is Sapp with you? we're going to be late. - I hurriedly asked.

Silver replied : She'll be here any minute, so wait a bit, ok?

from afar, we could see a tricycle that has one passenger in it. It's Sapp, probably. the tricycle stopped, and came down the person we're expecting to see

---Sapphire (sapp for short) is a lover of anything that has chocolate in it. Be it chocolate bars, or candy. She wasn't going to attend either, but she has recently changed her mind and decided to go anyways. She was wearing the usual clothes that you'd see

Hi guys! been waiting long? -- Sapp said

c'mon, let's get in already. Copper, you get in the back, and you Sapp, sit in the front seat. --said Silver.

----a few minutes passed and we're already inside the halls of the resort, where the party was being held. As we went inside, another peculiar face piqued our interest. Although we weren't really surprised that he'd be there, a particular item he holds in his hand was the one that really got our attention. He immediately approached us and said:

Hi guys! The party hasn't started yet, and we have to register at the second floor. So hurry up and let's go. Dia and Emerald are already there. 

---he's Gold, the ever-shining head of a school organization that we're part of also. He can be quite... intriguing...sometimes. Apparently, he's holding an invite to the party, whereas Silver did not.

---Dia, on the other hand, isn't your ordinary, average girl. She's unique, in her own way. Although she does get rough sometimes, she's the kind of girl that's a bit random at times. Silver has taken a liking to Dia

--- Emerald is your typical airhead stereotype, however, she has a deep sense of duty, and often feels pressured in doing so, which in turn, surprisingly, makes her works above standard. 

wha? YOU got an invite, Gold? - said Silver, in his dismay

Gold replied: oh,this? this was for members of our org. and it entitles to five people...but unfortunately, only I am available at the moment. And it's not like you didn't get one....did you?

Silver was silent for a moment

We were kind of expecting that reaction from Gold though. And it also meant that even if Silver didn't get an invite, then Gold could squeeze him in. Funny, i never expected that out of the five invites, only Gold would go.

after we've signed at the attendee's counter, we went to the changing rooms first. We brushed up and finally went inside the party proper.  The room was quite spacious, with even with the tables and chairs, and the stage set up, it wasn't cramped, and a certain air of elegance could be felt. The food was placed at the right and left sides of the proper, and the stage has one large chair set up, probably where the debut-ant would sit while the program goes on.

Guests were still going in and out of the hall, for the program itself hasn't started. there were some familiar faces, but i i'm quite bad at remembering names, along with my poor eyesight, so i really didn't know half of the people inside. 

the six of us seated in the table marked "4". Apparently, Dia and Emerald were already there for quite some time. The two of them, along with Gold, ate the already-prepared-finger-food that was set in the table.Three Half-filled wineglasses with water were in our table, and seven other glasses were set in the table.

The chairs were made of wood, and apparently it was at least nine to ten seats per table. In the not-so distant table, number 8, sat people with pink clothes, be it boy or girl. They seem to be part of the program, probably the dance later on. 

In the meantime, Dia was chatting with  Emerald. Gold was texting someone (apparently, his parents or buisness at the org) and Sapp was texting Ruby, who apparently, is on her way, along with her boyfriend, Bronze. 

I was practically doing nothing, and Silver, from time-to-time, looked at Dia's face and clothes. Dia was wearing a black skirt and a shirt with an in-laid vest design, and she was wearing another top beneath it, since the proper was very cold due to the air-conditioners and the fact that she was sensitive to the cold. The air-cons were placed atop the left and right sides of the room. there were three large air-cons per side, and tables 1, 4 (ours), 8, and 12 are located at the leftmost side of the proper. I could sympathize with Dia though, since im only wearing a pair of pants and a Polo shirt, and another shirt inside.

After a few minutes, Silver caught Dia's attention. Silver quickly grabbed his phone, started pressing a few buttons, and reluctantly turned his head away against Dia. Although Gold, Emerald and Sapp were minding their own business, They noticed that Silver had turned his head away, as if it was a small commotion between Silver and Dia. Everyone in the table was quick enough to catch on what was happening between the two. We simply smiled and giggled as the two distanced their eyes from each other.

Silver had received a message from ruby that says:
"we're waiting outside, could you come by and go get us?"  

Hey, Sapp, Ruby and Bronze are waiting outside. Let's go outside, yeah?  - said Silver
Sapp replied: okay, let's silver~
You guys wait here ok?  - she added, while looking at the rest of us.

As soon as Silver and Sapp left the room, Dia suddenly smiled, and spoke to me. 

"Hey, don't you just wish that Pearl was here?" - said Dia, in a ridiculous, yet joking tone. 

"You didn't exactly replied to our messages, so we thought that you weren't going to... " - Dia added

I quickly replied in a sarcastic tone:"Yeah, and don't ya just wish Tin was here? He'd be VERY delighted to see you" 
and after that comeback, I quickly looked at Silver's empty seat, and then I quickly turned my head to Dia before she could even react and said: "You know, someone else is enjoying their night right now, and he's just amazed on how gorgeous you are tonight"

Dia hurriedly answered: "ehehe, i Didn't expect that  you'd come up with that comeback. But no thanks."

Meanwhile, Emerald and Gold were talking to each other. I could barely follow what they were talking about but it seemed that Emerald has problems of her own. Intrigued, I had to butt-in in their conversation and I asked:
"So, Emerald, how'd it go yesterday with 'him' ?"

She answered: Oh it was as expected. I didn't meet him at his house, and neither did he met me at mine. It's not like I didn't talk to him about it. He started it in the first place. A girl must not be the one to move, nor should a girl make a guy always take the initiative. I..

Before Emerald could continue, the lights suddenly went dim. the room's lights were focused on the stage. dim lights lit the tables, as if the air around the venue became the same as that of a high-class bar. The now-center-of-attention became that of the platform before the debut-ant's chair. A man dressed in black, formal clothes along with a fedora went center-stage. The guests, the now-turned-audience's attention was turned into this man in black. The Mc turned on the mic, and announced that the man in black would sing some songs to entertain the audience while the program of the debut has not started.

Dia and Emerald seemed to be glued to their seats as they watched the performance. Gold, on the other hand, who was fond of criticizing other people (and to our dismay) had his opinions on the singer on stage. I was seated at his left side, behind me was a pillar, and a spotlight was next to the said pillar. Gold turned his head to me. He looked quite entertained, but not amused.

After the first song was done, he spoke to me:
"He's not really that of a good singer, what do you think, Copper? "

And although i couldn't agree any less, and I honestly think, too, based on what i've heard, that in fact, I wasn't at all impressed with the singer's performance. And although I think that i shouldn't give my thoughts about it, I hesitantly replied to Gold and said: 

"He's good to listen to... for a while. But after a few moments, his act gets old, and fast"

"Oh, quite. Although his performance seems like he's quite good, if you examine him more, then you'll come out with the same though, yes? "  Gold replied. 

 Before Gold could even give his next statement of criticism, we noticed that the pink-dressed guests that were seated in the not-so-far away table had stood up while the other guest's gaze were on the singer. Four other guests have arrived also. The clear-glass doors and walls have helped reveal that these four were Ruby, Sapphire, Silver and Bronze. 

---Bronze is (apparently) Ruby's boyfriend. The two of them met a few weeks ago. Although they don't look like they're lovey-dovey, the two of them can often be seen seated together with some friends, or enjoying some time of their own.

The singer has decided to sing another song for the amusement of the audience. The four  newly arrived guests quickly sat upon their chairs in our table, and viewed the performance. Gold, Dia and Emerald were watching the performance as if it were the only real entertaining thing to do at that moment, even refusing to speak while the song is being sung. Silver, on the other hand, was quite busy looking at someone else from time-to-time. It seems that at this evening, the most enchanting person for him was Dia (which was quite expected from him). The couple, Ruby and Bronze, was also glued to their seats, watching the singer as he performs.

Although it sounds like I'm only observing the people at my table, I, too, was listening to the singer. It didn't matter to me if I saw the singer's face, for as long as i could hear him, then i'm entertained. Dia once again noticed the frequently-looking Silver, although this time, she didn't seem to mind. While i was busy looking around (and looking at other people's business) the the proper, a certain stanza that i could remember hearing from the singer at that moment was:

Although you hold loneliness every time you get hurt
the tears you shed will become courage
Open the door of the future with your hands
you won't ever be in confusion

I think Silver might hit by that though, but seeing as he's not listening to the song that much, he's probably busy looking at how Dia is. Sapphire and I exchanged seats, making my seatmates Dia (left) and Silver (right) so that Ruby and her can talk.  I think bronze was doing the same to Ruby (though that's understandable). By the time I noticed what Emerald and Sapp were doing, the second song has already ended. Emerald was talking to sapp, and from what I can hear, it was about her christmas presents (chocolates). Apparently, even her parents love chocolates. I really didn't pay much attention to it though. 

A few minutes have passed since the second song ended. Silver's attention was now to his phone. Dia and emerald were happily conversing, and Sapphire and Ruby were doing the same (Bronze is also in their conversation). Gold's attention was shifted from the singer to his phone (maybe he was bored?). It just so happened that Emerald had a wonderful idea. She wants photos, and lots of them, taken with Dia. Looking back, she did like her photo to be taken, and Dia is the same. 

"Hey, Silver, now's your chance!" -i whispered

Silver, with a sly look on his face, slightly raised his foot under the table, and from it, he spawned a kick that hit my leg with the force of a thousand suns


YEEEAAOW! what'd you do that for? - I whispered in anguish, and tried to not make it look painful with a crooked smile  on my face.

Just play along, okay? - Silver  replied with a whisper

Silver, get ready okay?  - said Dia, while talking to Emerald, who was also exited to get her photo taken.
Okay, we're ready~! - she added.

Silver, using his phone, took several pictures of the girls, with most of them with Dia on it. He looked quite happy at that particular moment. I was happy for him though, and I only giggled every time that i saw Dia and Silver smiled. It was quite obvious that at that moment Silver had enjoyed the best part of the debut for him -- the pictorial.

Hey, you're quite enjoying this aren't you, Silver? I bet you'd look at them tonight! - Said Emerald.

Emerald was gently hit by Dia because of her statement. Unfortunately, for me, Silver hit me with the spoon set upon the table, as if he was signaling me not to fan the flames. 

You really think i'd do that? eheheh~ -- i said with a sly look on my face as I face Silver.
In fact, shouldn't you behave yourself more? this is a formal occasion, and Dia's here anyways, so do it --I added

Silver, why'd you hit him with a spoon? behave while we're here, okay?  --- Said Dia, with a scolding, and yet sweet tone. She didn't seem to have heard what I've said to Silver.

Silver replied: Yeah...sorry...

"Its okay dude"  --- I responded

It was already 9 pm by that time, and the program was already starting. Four black suited men (approximately around 21-30 years old) with blunt, steel swords in their hand. They formed a line in each side of the red carpet, leading to the stage. The music was turned on, and just loud enough for everybody to hear. Finally, Topaz, who is "The Crowing Gem Of The Night" proceeded to position herself at the entrance of the proper. She wore an elegant dress that one would expect in the occasion, however, it was a tad shorter than those of what you'd see in the night.

As she entered the room, the four sword-carrying men lifted their arms and positioned their swords like that of what you'd see in a flag ceremony. When she was half-way down the hall, some confetti were sprinkled. Finally,Topaz took her seat at the debut-ant's. In the meanwhile, the people at table 4 were giving out their comments as to the entrance and Topaz's outfit. Out of the eight seated, Gold had the most comments (yet again, to our dismay). We didn't mind about his ramblings though. After a few messages from Topaz's mother and father, the Caterer's waiters served wine. And although it was served, Silver and I warned the others not to drink it yet, lest they want their stomachs to turn later.

A toast to my daughter, Topaz, who, from today, is an adult! -- said Topaz's father.

Please, enjoy the occasion and if there's anything else you may need, then leave it for later and do something about it yourself --- he added, in a seemingly serious, yet humorous tone (more on the humor though). 

Hm~ i wonder how this tastes like? --- Gold said, while lifting the glass with wine.

Gold slightly whiffed the wine served before us. Even though I already know it's content has more alcohol in it, I did the same thing as Gold did. However...

I think i'll have a taste of this now --- said Gold

Wait! you're not supposed to...!

before I could stop Gold, he already took a sip, and he looked a bit disappointed in it. 

*ugh* that tasted more horrible that what i'd expect ---Said Gold

*sigh* fine, do what you want - I replied.

before Gold could recover from the wine, The pink-dressed people went near the opposing end of the red carpet. Some lights were focused on them, making them seem like carnations in the night. They formed two lines, one for each gender. And then, pair-by-pair, they walked to the stage, but leaving enough space for the debut-ant to be seen. At the very last of the pairs is a lone boy that walked up to the debut-ant. He gave his hand to the debut-ant. Silver, after seeng this event, looked at Dia. Puzzled, Silver gave me the thought that he was imagining it as him and Dia. 

Oh, this is why she wore something shorter than usual! --- Gold said.

Emerald, upon hearing Gold, quickly replied: Of course she'll dance, it's the Cotillion, after all

Ruby then added---With those clothes on, she'll be able to move freely in it, but don't you think that her...

She's wearing something else to cover those you know -- Sapphire immediately butted-in before Ruby could finish her sentence.

And then, Dia gave her pwn comment: She's quite elegant tonight, isn't she, Silver?

Surprised, Silver gave Dia an odd, yet surprised look. Upon hearing Dia, Silver replied: uh...yeah...!

Being the person seated between Dia and Silver, i quickly tugged his shirt, showed a malicious smile and said: hmm...i wonder which gem shone to you the most, eh?

Dia hurriedly tapped my leg , put up quite a happy smile, and said: oooookay, you can stop now~.

Dia obviously got my message, and I got hers. Sliver gave me a cold glare for a second. 

After our little conversation, the Debut-ant and the other people on the stage has started to dance. Apparently, it was the Cotillion being performed. A splendid performance was done on stage. The girls were as graceful as swans, and yet, their moves were as fluid as water. The men were as good as their partners as well. They dazzled the audience with their performance. The performance ended with Topaz and her partner at the center of the platform, a bit drenched in sweat, but kept a smile that signals "I enjoyed it, and thank you for watching our performance".

<span> </span>After a the cotillion, Topaz excused herself from the crowd, and rushed to her room to change clothes. Table 4, on the other hand, was eager for the next part of the program...dinner!

Oh, I hope there's chocolatey desserts! --- Said Sapphire

Silver looked at Dia again. He immediately had a splendid idea. I was,however, playing along with whatever goes. Gold was quite eager to eat (because he was hungry and bored). Ruby and Bronze were happily talking to each other about what to eat ( and apparently how much). Emerald was talking to Dia about taking another set of photos.

Should I get to the line in advance? I'll reserve some slots for you guys ---Said Silver.
Dia replied: Oh? Please do. We will follow you in a bit, Silver.

so, Dia, after dinner, let's take some pictures! ---Said Emerald.

Emerald looked at me with seemingly sparkling eyes. I instantly had a bad feeling about it

Let's include you in the pictures, Copper! --- Said Emerald with her eyes still sparkling.

I replied: Ah, sure, maybe later...much later.

I immediately noticed the impatient Gold. He rolled his eyes and said: I certainly hope that the food is delicious

Ruby stood up and said: Well, what are we waiting for? let's get in line.

As we stood up, we saw the line for the buffet (it was at the right side of the room). Its length was at least half of the room, extending to the carpet's right side, and curved to avoid the tables at the back area of the room. The hungry guests could be heard chatting about their own matters, the Debut-ant's party, or ranting how long the line is. Although the pacing of the line was fast, there are some guests that overstay at certain locations in the buffet, rendering the speed of the line. From afar,to the right of  the debut-ant's chair (currently empty) is a picture-taking area. The left side of the room (the other side of the buffet) was for desserts. A beautiful ice sculpture of an angel could be seen in the middle, along with a tree-designed dessert holder, where the desserts are placed. The waiters were busy tending to the guest's needs, and the whole proper's mood has turned into that of a well-organized fast-food restaurant.

Silver took the opportunity to reserve Dia next to him (in line). He was quite happy conversing with Dia on what she'd eat and how much Silver would eat. Although I was reserved as the last ( in table 4), I could see both of their smiling faces, and the exited faces of Emerald and Sapphire. 

I could barely hear what the Dia and Silver were taking about though. And finally, after a bit of waiting, the whole group finally sat down with food on their respective plates. I quickly wolfed down the food I have on my plate (not to the extent of being impolite). Dia was happily enjoying her food. Emerald was deciding which to eat first. Ruby and Bronze were having another one of their sweet moments. Gold was tasting the food one-by-one. Sapp was eating silently, and seems to be excited to eat dessert.

You're done already , Copper? ---said Gold

I replied: Yeah. I didn't get much from the buffet anyways.

Dia, you're not going to finish your food? ---Said Silver

She replied: oh, I can't eat this much.

I told you you can't eat all of those, right? ---said Silver in a sweet tone with a smile on his face.

I tapped Silver's shoulder and said: You seem to be quite enjoying this dinner hm?

Silver slightly lifted his left hand and formed a fist, and from it, spawned a blow that hit my right shoulder.



Unlike his kick earlier, this one hurt less. It was probably to avoid getting Dia's attention.

 haha, why don't you go and tell her already? It's quite obvious already anyways, and you're not like Tin anyways.

Silver then replied: Hah! that guy doesn't have the slightest chance if he's not gonna have the balls to move.

So, why don't you take your chance now? 

I...I'm...Fine, I'll do it. I'll show you what Tin should've done a long time ago. --- Silver replied.

He was sort of flustered when he said that though. At that time, I knew something good would come out of our conversation, although, I regret to see what Tin would do if he was here.

I snickered and gave Silver a taunting smile and said : Oh? That should be quite amusing. Do try tonight, will you? 

Silver looked determined. His face reminded me when I tempted Tin to do stuff he wouldn't normally do. Nothing seems to be impossible for him at that moment.

It was already past 10 pm by that time. Dessert was certainly an optional thing to eat for the most of the guests. Sapphire wasn't the one to pass an opportunity to eat something that has chocolate. After she ate, she invited the girls to eat dessert with her. Dia was the only one to refuse (she's already full). The four stood up (Bronze included) and went to the deserts. The three of us (Gold, Silver, and Me) looked at the girls as they happily approached the table.

Oh! Muffins! Tarts! Bread with Chocolate dip!  --- Sapphire's eyes glimmered as she saw the dessert buffet table.

Which will you get...Bronze? --Said Ruby

I'll pick what you pick Ruby --- Emerald replied

Ruby hastily replied and said : I was talking to Bronze, silly 

I saw an opportunity to entertain myself while the girls were gone. I stood up and put a sinister grin. I slowly approached Silver and whispered  to him in a capricious tone and said:


I sat next to Gold while still giving Silver a sinister look. Gold immediately recognized my grin and played along.  Silver immediately got the meaning of my whisper. He fixed his gaze to Dia. She responded, however, with a confused look. She quickly switched her look onto me, and gave cold stare to me. Silver looked quite eager to say something, but couldn't. 

We're back~! Let's get this started~! --- Said Sapphire

The three girls came back with Bronze, who,apparently, was forced to bring every dessert that the girls decided to get.
Silver looked quite shook up. He stood up, told everyone that he'll go to the CR, and left. I transferred again to my old seat next to Silver and Dia. 

What are you up to? --- said Dia

Oh? I'm merely watching, don't you see? I am but a spectator in the grand show. --- I replied.

Gold chuckled and said: It was quite a show indeed.

Silver came back to the table with an odd look. I couldn't picture it whether he was disappointed by the events earlier or thought of a new plan to do it, but just can't seem to get how to do it. In the meanwhile, Ruby and Bronze decided to leave early, but Sapp is consistently trying to stop them, and keep telling them to stay for a bit more.

Finally, Ruby stood-up with Bronze. The two of them said farewell to us, and went to Topaz to say thanks. Gold and Sapp accompanied them to the exit. Silver got that look again , but this time, he's more determined than before. I again stood up and changed seats(beside Gold's). Dia gave me the cold stare again. Silver firmly held his feet to the floor and began to move to my former seat (the Dia-Copper-Silver seat). The not-so-confident Silver then tried to speak.

Dia...Do you...uhm...

And just as Silver was going to say something sensible to Dia, A sudden, blinding flash disrupted the moment. Apparently, the light came from the not-so-far table 6. The man holding the camera apologized to the surrounding tables. Silver, yet again, looked disappointed. He stood up and tucked me. Flustered, I had no choice but to hear what he had to say.

Could you come with me for a sec? --- Said silver


Where are you two going? ---Said Dia

Silver replied: We're just going out for a while.

Then I said: We'll be back soon, Dia. We'll be fine.

The two of us slowly walked out of the proper. I looked at Dia from afar, It seems like she was trying to say something to me, but I couldn't hear it because of all the noise inside the room. I waved my hand, signaling "I'll talk later, okay?"
We bumped into the guys who left when Ruby and Bronze left, and told them that Silver and I are going to leave for a while.

In the now-empty walls of the proper's halls, the silence is deafening, and every word echoes softly between the ivory-colored walls. We walked slowly, and then stopped in the middle of the room, with several large pillars around it.

AGH! I just can't seem to say it! Every time I'm going to say something, It just doesn't come out! And what's worse, I can't just say it in front of her like that! --- Silver said in a pissed tone, but not loud enough to set the room bouncing with echoes. But even then, something else piqued my curiosity.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

I heard a soft sound that seemed like footsteps. It would seem that someone was eavesdropping in our little conversation. I realized that Silver didn't hear the footsteps, since it was quiet enough not to leave much sound, and due to the fact that he's still pissed. I tried to calm him down.

Cheer up dude, The night's not over yet, right? you still have.... an hour, the most,  before we leave. 

How am I supposed to do that in an hour? ---Said Silver

That's up to you, right? and I ain't helping you out this time. Twice in a row is enough, yes? --- I replied

Don't worry, *chuckle* I'll make sure that there isn't any cameras anymore. ---I added

We walked all the way up to the proper, and when we approached the clear glass, we immediately noticed Dia was walking towards her seat. Silver was much determined to ask Dia this time. He went straight to her,  sneaked up to her shoulder, and whispered to her ear and said:

"I have something to tell please....come with me outside"

Only Emerald and I heard what Silver said to Dia. Emerald didn't mind what Silver said, and even helped him out. She immediately proposed that we all go and take a stroll outside the proper. Gold was still playing along, and seemed to enjoy the unfolding events before him. 

Meanwhile, Dia and Silver snuck out while we were preparing to leave. While Emerald and Sapp were fixing themselves, I told Gold to watch over the girls. I took my bag with me and I Slyly followed Dia and Silver. And before I knew it, the two were out of my sight. I fervently searched around, and finally found the two of the at the courtyard.

The courtyard had a greek design. Vines were abundand, the plants were properly nourished, and even covered the ceiling. Down in the middle path and in the center stage of the courtyard (it has a platform of its own made of stone) has no plants covering the ceiling, making the night sky visible. 

I watched the over from the forage, and since it was night time, i was well hidden. From the looks of what the situation is when I arrived, the two of them weren't exactly...good. Silver looks depressed, heartbroken, it seems. Dia looked like she  was pitying Silver. I could barely hear what they were talking about. I think I missed the good part though (the confession).

After a while, the two of them sat in the platform. They looked at the night sky. Dia held Silver's hand and pointed to the moon. And then, Silver pointed at the seemingly ceremonial altar behind them. There were 8 Flame holders there that looked like that of the Olympics'. The two of them stood up and walked to the center of the courtyard (it's a pathway).

The two of them held hands as they walked from the center stage towards the middle, the moon shone a bright Silver, the stars twinkled like Diamonds, and the air around them melted along with the clear, night sky. The two of them looked like they were about to dance, and they smiled at each other every time they looked at each other in the eye. Silver was red with bliss and embarrassment. Dia on the other hand, was calm, and yet, quite elegant to look at. Silver looked quite content at that time. It was a certainly a night he won't forget.

It seemed like a good time to leave them alone, so I did.  I went back to the proper to check on the girls and Gold. However, as I walked back, I noticed a window that gives a clear view of the Courtyard. I took a container out of my bag, and placed my belongings on the floor. I hastily took out the contents of the container.

OH! perfect! I simply must have it!


ti's quite a rare opportunity. I'm quite glad that I attended this.


It was getting quite late at that time.
Silver and Dia went back to our table. The party's guests were thinning in number. The music was Dwindling in sound and the participants, tired. Our lot was preparing to leave. Silver looked like he really enjoyed his night, and Dia looked tired from all that's happened. We rode Silver's car, and finally went home.

After a few days (after Christmas) I told Silver that I'd give him a visit. I brought with me my usual bag. 
I called him out of his house. 

"Hiya! did you miss me?"

Silver immediately smacked my shoulder with his fist. 


That was for topaz's debut--- Said Silver

Silver explained to me what happened at that night. Apparently, what happened was Dia's christmas gift. I then decided to finally give something to him.

I have something for you

What is it? ---Silver replied

It's  in this here envelope

I gave Silver the envelope. I held his shoulder, gave him a serious, and yet still capricous look and said:

That over there...Take good care of that. Keep it to yourself till you know when would be the right time to show that. I personally don't care what you'd do with it, but do keep in mind, it's the only one, since I got rid of any means for me reproduce it. So, yeah, do what you want with it. Knock yourself out.

Silver slowly opened the envelope. He peered what was inside. He took out the contents. He stared at it for a moment and gave me a buddy smile and said:

This...Thanks...I'll give show it to when she finally accepts.

It was the Melting moment that Silver was hugging Dia and...
It was the Frozen moment in the evening when Dia...kissed Silver's lips

It was a perfect capture, 
It was preserved in a flick of a finger
in particular....A Snapshot.

<span>-SNAPSHOT end-</span>

<span>Strahl Gewehr would like to give special thanks to:</span>

<span>My valued critiques:</span>
Andrea Genieve Ocampo, Ronilo Limcaoco, Jenghis Gonzales, Mark Lasdoce 

<span>Story and Critique:</span>
Kitana Goyena

<span>The readers:</span>
hey ,that's you!

And of course, sa mga taong naka tag na hindi makakakita nito till after a year:

and that's the end of the contract, folks!

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