Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Know that feeling when you feel that

you wasted your whole (okay, not entirely) school life on absolutely nothing? That feeling that you really didn't do much, save people whom I [without insult] would call "those with other personal interest". That feeling when you think back, try to rewind in your head past events that you thought was "the things that you did during...", and then remember the good and bad times?

Well... I just did.

It wasn't fun. I'm a shut in. And being under the star of the lion, there's always the issue of doing things your way, with the things that you own or have. Might sound a tad selfish there, but it's true. If it wasn't for a close friend of mine listening to everything that I told him about it (which made me feel old), I would've just buried it in my head again.

Yeah, just might be the summer blues. I miss my buds and the girls (who have graduated, and are employed) and the other people ( don't miss e'm much, but hey). Could be feeling like this because I'm about to graduate too (one sem left), meaning I'm torn between school life and the workforce life. I just laze around the house during this summer break, and honestly, I'm scared.

It's like I don't want things to suddenly end, but when it comes, a new beginning. A dandelion lets itself be carried by the wind to distant lands, trying to make the best out of the cards they have. Hey, I might even wave at the new sights and sounds that I'd meet during that long, winding trip.

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