Friday, March 30, 2012

Summer means...?

What does summer mean to you? I mean, it's that part of your student life that you have -almost- all the time in your weeks (two months or so) to yourself (or not...), your family (...just maybe), or get some private time, and just sit back, relax, and have fun without the horrors of schoolwork (classes are a choice).

But what IF you're NOT a student anymore? How valuable is it, really?

Well, it's summer on my (should I use 'our' ?) side of the world, and in relation to the recent "fresh graduates" season, summer means one thing:


Sure, take a couple of weeks off, just letting that 'I just graduated' feel sink in. Just let the feeling of a large load just magically disappeared with your(I hope it was) efforts- finishing clearances and passing exams, getting good grades and all that. But after the holy week, life tends to complicate. By that I mean:

"fresh graduates is the nice term for unemployed" -- a quote from a friend of mine (nice one art :D) just fits the bill. Summer is the part of the year that most 20-23 (19 if you're a total badass) year olds go job hunting after graduation. To make it better (sarcastically), your performance during college affects your resume! And who knows if a company is gonna hire ya, right?

So you fresh grads out there, hell just started for your lot. But don't worry, I'm sure everyone can work something out (pun intended)

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