Part 1: Kizuna - Divided We Stand
A few days after "doubt"
Just five hours after yesterday ended, and the moon still shone gold on the navy blue morning sky. Guys, girls, and even the people in between had finally reached one of the last activity for their college years : The retreat.
The guys and girls' rides were separated, the bus for the girls and two vans for the men. I (Copper) along with the other students went and rode our designated rides.
There were nine of us in 'van #1'. The classmates with me were Radon, Silver, Bismuth and Cobalt.
"Hey, Radon, would you please lead the prayer for he trip?" said one of the guys with us in the Van.
"okay, let's say our usual prayer guys" Radon said heartily. "Lord, bless this trip and let us proceed with caution and grant us safety while on the road. Let us reflect well on the retreat. Amen"
Travel time wasn't an issue. The retreat location was far, and yet the vast land we travelled was full of green. It was even two hours before high noon when we got there, and when we did, Sir Reid led us to the main hall.
"okay, do you guys know why the location is far from the city?" Said Sir Reid. "it's because you can't reflect if you're close to your usual lifestyle."
The students were wither whispering to each other, listening partially, or was just plainly not interested. It was like being in a room full of kids with short attention spans.
As usual, Silver, Tin and I seated next to each other. Silver was still exhausted from whatever they did in Radon's house, and Tin was just plain sleepy. I observed the other students rather than listen to the orientation drag on.
" oh and the location for our lunch will be shown to you by Sir Bleu." Sir Reid smiled.
Everyone's eyes sparkled, and livened. Cameras were ready, stomachs grumbled, and those adventurous-types got their land legs itching to walk.
"guys, don't be too... mischievous...while we're on the way there, okay?" Said Sir Bleu. "you've got TONS of free time when we get there. "
"...but remember, we're IN a retreat house. NOT a hotel." Sir Reid reminded.
We fell in line immediately, and were led like sheep to a pasture. The lunch area that the moderators were talking about was really the path to a chapel. This path is on a hill-like area with a majestic scenery, almost surreal if you've gotten used to the city's gray skies. We walked for fifteen minutes, first down to the hanging bridge, and then up to the designated area.
Finding a good spot with your friends was a common sight. It didn't take any effort for some to choose (it was just a grassy hill), and so, some chose to eat picnic-style on the lower areas.
"Here's a good spot" Said Radon. "Does everyone agree?"
Now, if it was from a bystander's view, one would come to a conclusion that the groupings would eventually be down to major groups, and that being of the same course or school of study. It was inevitable that the whole batch would eventually come down to specific groups. And of these groups, it's usually the herding or flocking type of relationship.
Sir Bleu and Reid was wandering around and checking each group. They've noticed the obvious, and eventually stopped at our group's area.
"Why 's your batchmates divided in than that...?" asked the puzzled Sir Reid.
We took a second to think of an answer. We looked at each other's faces. Bismuth and I laughed and looked at Sir Reid.
"Sir, it's because... * not everyone has the same dislikes" said Bismuth.
"everyone cooperates when we have to do something together. But when we do, people still..." said Cobalt.
"We stand united because we're diverse. And that diversity is what seperated us"
I couldn't agree, and yet it was real.
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