Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A not-so-sunny week of summer? ---onlooker's first week of summer

Common lines during summer breaks:

before classes end,
students say: yes, it's finally drawing here! summer!!,
and two weeks after summer break starts,
students say: when...will this...."break"....Ennnnnddddd?! Allowance, where art thou?!"

Sheesh, humans have a lot of needs, don't we? Maybe it is because we're always insatiable for new things to try out, or maybe it is the fact that we're easily bored that we actually dislike being stagnant in one place. I've been saying the second line for about three days now, and personally, I find it ironic that I went to someone else's house for three days (it was recent), and did the same thing that I did back at my place. It was like I never left home XD

well, either way, I haven't posted for a while here :D
I'll start on continuing my not-so-imaginative updates posts.

so, with this, how are you doing back at your side? enjoying the summer break? :D

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